Thursday, November 1, 2007

This is gonna be my new hairstyle!!!

I'm deciding to go emo. I'm getting a new hairstyle and I searched the internet and found exactly what I wanted. Here it is:
I think that it's really awesome. Anyway, school has been going pretty good. We had a lockdown drill today. Everyone was pretty scared, I wasn't really. People came banging on the doors, it wasn't real. As soon as it was over, we just went straight back to our class. It was kind of scary for some poeple. some kids texted their parents in class, and they said it was real. They didn't say if it was real or not but they didn't know yet. They maid us think it was real though. My teacher knew, and she only told a few of us. We were so scared that we actually stayed dead quiet. Anyway, I gotsa go.!!! Lots of homework to do. almost 9pm.

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